About company
15 years of success on the market
The Gaudi Decor brand is designed for European customers and is produced at the Decor LTD plant in Russia which has been in operation for 15 years. Evroplast brand products have already proven themselves on Russian market. The 20,000 m² factory is the biggest plant in Europe producing polyurethane foam.


Raw materials and equipment from the best manufacturers: DOW CHEMICAL, BAYER, BASF, ABB, CANNON, KRAUSMAFFEI, SIEMENS. The world’s only automatic line for production of polyurethane foam.
The Quality control system

Quality control at all stages of production. The plant is ISO 9001 certified.
Decor LTD — the absolute leader in Russia and the CIS

356 stores in 135 cities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Lithuania, Estonia
Excellent logistics

Company’s own logistics park in the Moscow region covers 5,200 m² and dynamically solves logistics problems and distributes finished products.
Warehouse in Rotterdam

European logistics center, providing fast deliveries within the EU, is located in Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
Article 1 ‒ Definitions
In these terms and conditions the following definitions apply:
1. Architectural Decor Ltd. : the Private Limited Liability Company Architectural Decor Ltd., hereinafter referred to as: «Architectural Decor Ltd.», having its registered office in Hungary, distance-selling decoration elements made out of polyurethane foam or polystyrene to consumers in the European market, trading under the «Gaudi» name;
2. Gaudi : the name under which the decoration elements made out of polyurethane foam or polystyrene are offered by Architectural Decor to consumers, hereinafter referred to as: «Gaudi»;
3. Consumer : the natural person not acting in the practice of a profession or a company and entering into a distance-agreement with Architectural Decor;
4. Reconsideration period : de termijn gedurende welke de consument zijn herroepingsrecht kan uitoefenen;
5. Day : calendar day;
6. Permanent data carrier : every means that enables the consumer or Architectural Decor to store information that is aimed at him personally, in such a way that future consultation and unaltered reproduction is possible;
7. Right of revocation : the possibility for the consumer to withdraw from the distance-agreement within the reconsideration period;
8. Model form : the model form for revocation provided by Architectural Decor that can be completed by a consumer if he should wish to exercise his right of revocation;
9. General Terms and Conditions : these General Terms and Conditions of Architectural Decor.
Article 2 – Identity of Architectural Décor
Architectural Decor Ltd.
Registered office: Budapest, Honvéd utca 8.1 em. 2, 1054, Hungary.
Visiting address: Heinenoord, Boonsweg 13, 3274 LH, the Netherlands
E-mail address: info@gaudidecor.eu
Registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Hungary under number: BU25292815.
VAT number in Hungary: HU25292815.
VAT number in the Netherlands: NL824065372B01.
Article 3 ‒ Applicability
1. These General Terms and Conditions shall apply to all offers made by Architectural Decor and to all orders and agreements concluded at a distance between Architectural Decor and consumer.
2. The text of these General Terms and Conditions shall be available to the consumer in such a way that future consultation and unaltered reproduction is possible. If this is not reasonably possible, before the agreement is concluded at a distance, it shall be made known where the General Terms and Conditions are available for electronic perusal and that they shall be forwarded free of cost electronically or otherwise at the request of the consumer.
3. In the event that one or more of these provisions are declared null and void or otherwise not binding, the remaining provisions of these General Terms and Conditions shall remain in force and the provision at issue shall be replaced without delay by another with a tenor as much as possible similar to that of the original provision.
Article 4 – The offer
1. The offer is free of obligation. Architectural Decor is entitled to alter and adjust the offer.
2. Manifest errors or mistakes in the offer shall have no binding effect on Architectural Decor.
3. All images, specifications and / or other descriptions in the offer are indicative and cannot lead to compensation or annulment of the agreement.
4. Architectural Decor cannot guarantee that the colours represented are exactly the same as the real colours of the products.
Article 5 – The agreement
1. The agreement shall be established, with reservation of provisions that have been stipulated in article 4, at the moment of acceptance of the offer by the consumer and compliance with the conditions stated.
2. If the consumer accepts the offer electronically, Architectural Decor shall immediately confirm receipt of acceptance of the offer electronically. Manifest errors or mistakes in the confirmation shall have no binding effect on Architectural Decor.
3. Architectural Decor may inform itself – within legal limits – whether the consumer is able to comply with his payment obligations, and also of all of those facts and factors that are of importance for a sound conclusion of the agreement at a distance. If, on the basis of this investigation, Architectural Decor has sound reasons not to enter into the agreement, he shall be justified to refuse an order or request or to add special conditions to the performance.
4. All agreements are entered into under the suspensory condition of sufficient availability of the products at issue.
Article 6 – Right of revocation
1. On the purchase of products the consumer has the right during 14 (fourteen) days to annul the agreement without reason given. This period commences on the day after receipt of the product by the consumer or a representative appointed by the consumer as made known to Architectural Decor in advance.
2. During this reconsideration period the consumer shall handle the product and packaging carefully. The consumer must only unpack or use the product to the extent that is necessary to be able to assess whether he or she wishes to keep the product or not. If the consumer wishes to exercise his right of revocation, he shall return the product with all its accessories and – if reasonably possible – in its original state and packaging to Architectural Decor, in compliance with the reasonable and clear instructions provided by Architectural Decor.
3. If the consumer wishes to exercise his right of revocation, he shall be obliged to notify Architectural Decor thereof within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the product. The notification shall be made by the consumer by means of the model form. After the consumer has notified Architectural Decor of his wish to exercise his right of revocation, the consumer shall return the product within 14 (fourteen) days after the notification to the visiting address at Boonsweg 13, Heinenoord, 3274 LH, the Netherlands. The consumer must prove that the delivered goods have been timely returned, for instance by means of recorded delivery.
4. If the customer has not notified Architectural Decor of his wish to exercise his right of revocation within the terms specified in paragraphs 2 and 3, or has not returned the product to Architectural Decor, respectively, the purchase is considered as an accomplished fact.
Article 7 – Costs in the event of revocation
1. If the consumer exercises his right of revocation, the costs of returning the product shall be payable by the consumer.
2. If the consumer has paid a certain amount, Architectural Decor shall pay back this amount as soon as possible, but not later than 14 (fourteen) days after the revocation. All this under the condition that the product has indeed already been received back by Architectural Decor.
Article 8 – Preclusion of the right of revocation
1. Architectural Decor precludes the right of revocation of the consumer in respect of products as described below.
2. The following products are explicitly precluded from the right of revocation by Architectural Decor:
a. products that have been manufactured by Architectural Decor in accordance with specifications composed by the consumer;
b. products that are (partially) damaged;
c. products that have already been (partially) painted by or for the consumer and / or have been otherwise treated or used;
d. products that form part of a whole.
Article 9 – Pricing
1. During the period of validity stated in the offer the prices of the products offered shall not be raised, except in the case of price changes as a result of changes in VAT rates or as a result of statutory provisions or regulations.
2. The prices stated in the offer of products or services include VAT.
3. All prices stated are subject to typographical errors and / or errors arising from incorrect input on the website. Architectural Decor is not liable for damage arising from typographical errors and / or errors arising from incorrect input on the website. In case of typographical errors and / or errors arising from incorrect input on the website, Architectural Decor has no obligation to deliver the product at the incorrect price.
Article 10 – Compliance and Warranty
1. Architectural Decor warrants that the products and / or services comply with the agreement, the specifications mentioned in the offer, the reasonable requirements of soundness and / or usability and the statutory provisions and / or government regulations in force on the date the agreement was established.
2. Any defects or wrongly delivered products shall have to be notified to Architectural Decor within 2 (two) days after delivery. Return consignments must be in the original packaging and in original condition.
3. Architectural Decor shall never be liable for the ultimate suitability of the products to any specific individual application by the consumer, nor for any advice or recommendations in respect of the use or application of the products.
4. The warranty shall not apply if:
o The consumer himself has repaired or treated the products and / or has had them repaired or treated by a third party;
o The products delivered have been exposed to abnormal circumstances or have otherwise been handled without due care or in deviation from the instructions provided by Architectural Decor and / or on the packaging;
o The unsoundness arises in whole or in part from regulations (to be) provided by the government in respect of the nature or the quality of the materials used.
Article 11 – Delivery and performance
1. Architectural Decor shall exercise the greatest possible care when receiving and executing orders of products.
2. The place of delivery is the address that the consumer has provided to Architectural Decor.
3. Subject to what has been stated in this regard above in this article of these General Terms and Conditions, orders accepted by Architectural Decor shall be executed with due speed within 30 days at the latest unless a longer delivery period has been agreed by the consumer. If there is a delay in delivery, or if an order cannot be executed or can only be partially executed, the consumer shall be notified thereof at the latest one month after placing the order. In this case the consumer is entitled to terminate the agreement at no cost. The consumer shall not be entitled to compensation.
4. All delivery terms are indicative. The consumer cannot derive rights from any delivery terms stated. Excess of terms does not entitle the consumer to damages.
5. In the event of termination by force of paragraph 3 of this article, Architectural Decor shall return the amount paid by the consumer as soon as possible, but no later than within 14 (fourteen) days after termination.
6. If delivery of an ordered product proves to be impossible, Architectural Decor shall make due effort to provide a replacement article. At the moment of delivery at the latest it shall be communicated in a clear and understandable manner that a replacement article is delivered. For replacement articles the right of revocation cannot be precluded. The costs of returning articles shall be borne by Architectural Decor.
7. The risk of damages to and / or loss of products lies with Architectural Decor until the moment of delivery to the consumer or a representative appointed by the consumer and made known to Architectural Decor in advance, unless explicitly agreed otherwise.
Article 12 ‒ Payment
1. If not otherwise agreed, for instance in the event advance payment has been agreed upon, the amounts payable by the consumer must be paid within 7 (seven) working days after the commencement of reconsideration period as referred to in Article 6 paragraph 1.
2. The consumer is obliged to notify Architectural Decor without delay of any inaccuracies in the payment information given or mentioned.
3. In default of payment by the consumer, Architectural Decor shall have the right with due observance of legal restrictions to charge to the consumer the reasonable costs as made known to the consumer in advance.
4. Payment can only be made by the consumer by means of a bank transfer: cash payments are not accepted.
Article 13 ‒ Complaints
1. Complaints in respect of the performance of the agreement must be submitted to Architectural Decor in writing with a clear and complete description thereof within 7 (seven) days after the consumer has established the defects. A clear and complete description must also include a (digital) photograph that clearly shows the occasion of the complaint.
2. Complaints submitted to Architectural Decor shall be answered within a term of 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the complaint. If a complaint should require a foreseeably longer handling time, Architectural Decor shall send an acknowledgement of receipt together with an indicative notice of the time by which the consumer shall receive a more elaborate reaction.
3. If a complaint is found justified by Architectural Decor, Architectural Decor shall either replace or repair the delivered products at no cost, at the discretion of Architectural Decor.
Article 14 ‒ Disputes
1. All agreements between Architectural Decor and the consumer that these General Terms and Conditions refer to are governed by Netherlands law exclusively. This shall also apply if the consumer resides abroad.
2. The competent court at Rotterdam has exclusive jurisdiction to take cognizance of any disputes.
3. The Vienna Sales Convention shall not be applicable.
4. In the event of any discrepancy between the Dutch version of these Terms and Conditions and the English translation thereof, the Dutch text shall be binding.
Technical passport
for polyurethane moldings250-350 kg/m3
alkali, up to 80% concentration
Data is not available
-70 °C
per 24 hours by volume, not exceeding
1.1 % as per DIN 55343
Any acrylic paint, free from silane,
siloxane and silicone
From +60 to -50 °C
on facades
Without limitation
Polyurethane primer
0.5 N/mm2 as per DIN 53421
Decor LLC (hereinafter referred to as «Company», «we») acknowledges the priority of confidentiality of the personal data of our customers, visitors of our websites.
This Confidentiality Policy specifies the methods of ensuring safety, organizing collection and use of the personal data of the users of the Company’s websites. This Confidentiality Policy applies to all the Company’s websites used by the Company to distribute articles made of PU foam. Company may provide certain supplements concerning protection, collection and processing of the personal data; such supplements will contain special information on the ways of interaction with the branches and affiliates which provide services on behalf of Company.
When you decide to provide your personal data while visiting the Company’s websites, you give your consent to such information being used by Company in accordance with this Confidentiality Policy. The Confidentiality Policy consists of several sections which contain information on the rights connected with the personal data and steps taken by Company to ensure confidentiality and protection of the personal data. For more detailed information, please, see the relevant section hereof.
Terms and definitionsThe following terms used herein shall have the meaning assigned thereto below:
«Personal Data» shall mean any information connected (directly or indirectly) with an identified or identifiable natural person (personal data subject).
«Processing of Personal Data» shall mean any action (operation) or a series of actions (operations) performed (with or without the help of any automation tools) to the personal data including collection, recording, classification, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, modification), retrieval, use, transfer (distribution, submittal, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, destruction of the personal data.
«Personal Data Confidentiality» shall mean the requirement not to permit distribution of any personal data without consent of a personal data subject or presence of any other lawful grounds which shall be binding on the Data Controller or any other person having access to the personal data.
«Website User» (hereinafter – the «User») shall mean a person accessing the website via the Internet and using the website of Company.
«Cookies» shall mean a small packet of data sent by an Internet server and stored on the user’s computer which is sent by a web-client or a browser to the web-server in the form of an HTTP-request each time a user tries to access a page of the relevant website.
«IP address» shall mean a unique network address assigned to a node within a computer network based on an IP protocol.
1. About the CompanyThe Company is the Russian company which specializes in the manufacture and sale of articles made of PU foam under «Gaudi» trademark, registered under the laws of the Russian Federation at: bld. 7, estate 12, Lesnaya str., Ivachkovo (village), Chekhovsky district, Moscow region. You may read additional data on the Company in the section «About Us» on the website.
Company is responsible for the collection, usage and safety and integrity of the personal data of the users specified herein. In case you have any questions, comments and offers as regards data processing, please, write to: info@gaudidecor.eu.
2. Ways to Use Personal DataCompany collects and uses the users’ personal data to establish commercial relations, ensure prompt and high-quality service and personalize interaction with Company.
The basic purposes and ways of using the personal data are as follows:
2.1. High-quality Delivery of ServicesTo ensure high-quality and prompt processing of the users’ orders and to render services involving: sale of goods made of PU foam; installation; organization of delivery of goods, as well as to provide the users with an opportunity to benefit from: the special offers or campaigns related to the purchase; warranties; return of goods and other after-sale services, Company processes the personal data provided by the users on voluntary basis.
2.2. Communication with the CustomersCompany uses the personal data to communicate with the users on the issues of provision of services, processing of the offers, organization of the qualified support and feedback.
2.3. Statistical StudiesCompany uses the personal data to carry out statistical analysis of the general trends in goods purchase, usage of the additional services, checking out the web-sites and social media and to determine the users’ preferences. To perform such study Company may consolidate and analyze various types of data described above. Company uses complex factors which do not contain name, e-mail or any other information which could help to identify the user. The statistical studies ensure the higher quality of the provided services, help to improve feedback and user support services; these studies are also taken into account when choosing content for the Company’s websites.
2.4. Innovations and Product ImprovementThe Company may use the information provided by the users to develop, create and improve new and existing products and services, provide recommendations as regards usage thereof and determine the users’ preferences.
2.5. Direct MarketingCompany may use the personal data to provide the users with the information messages and offers, catalogues of Company products, data on the promotion campaigns and other marketing materials.
Company may use automatic tools to collect personal data, analyze and use marketing study tools in accordance with the interests and preferences of the users. For instance, if the analysis results show that the user might be interested in the certain types of goods, Company may enlarge the marketing message by adding the offers which may awake the user’s interest.
Company may use different marketing communication channels – e-mail, SMS, applications, social media and other channels, with or without the user’s prior consent, if it is provided for by the effective laws of the Russian Federation. The user is entitled to refuse to receive or revoke his/her consent to receive the marketing messages at any time by sending a notice to the following e-mail: info@gaudidecor.eu
2.6. Compliance with LawsCompany may use the personal data to comply with and fulfill the provision of the legislative instruments of the Russian Federation, regulatory statutes, court orders, requests of the public and law enforcement authorities, protect the website users and customers, protect itself, ensure proper provision of services and goods and efficient dispute resolution.
3. Personal Data TypesPersonal (private) Data shall mean any information using which (directly or indirectly) one may identify the user’s personality.
Websites of Company are not intended for minors, and we would prefer such persons not to provide their personal data via the website.
Company processes and collects the following types of the personal data:
3.1. Name and Other Contact DetailsDepending on the type of the chosen service, form of the interaction the Personal (identification) Data of the users may contain name, telephone number, e-mail address, delivery address. When the User places an order at a web-store, accesses such services as «Callback», «Ask a Question», «Installation Order Form» Company may save the login details and other information entered by the User while placing an order, filling in the feedback forms.
3.2. Information on Orders and PurchasesWhen the customer is buying products at a web-store Company processes the information specified in the order. This information may include data on the name of the goods, their quantity, price, date of order, terms of payment and delivery. Company also processes information on additional services (e.g., installation).
3.3. Communication DataTo provide information on the products or provided services Company saves data on any and all e-mails sent to it as well as data on the phone calls and other messages. When a person contacts Company the TechSupport registers the questions and offers of the Users as well as advice and recommendations provided by the TechSupport in the relevant databases. Company may also record telephone calls for the training and safety purposes.
3.4. Information on PreferencesCompany collects and processes the information on preferences and interests of the Users as regards the products and goods provided by our company as well as on the preferred type of feedback.
3.5. Automatically Collected InformationWhen the Users access the Company’s websites Company collects information on the ways they use them. Such information includes the following data: the IP address which is automatically assigned to the User’s computer once the User is online; the date and time of access to the Company’s website; the pages browsed, and the amount of time spent by the User on each page; the type of the browser used; the OS of the device; the referring web-site; the method of web-browsing. Usually such information is collected with the help of the digital identifiers, such as the number of the device; cookies; web beacons. This information is collected in order to facilitate everyday use of the websites, ensure provision of the more customized information and is not used to identify the User’s personality. For more detailed information on our policy as regards cookie technologies, please, read section Automatic Data Collection Tools.
4. Information Safety and Storage4.1. While collecting and processing the information Company takes the required and sufficient organizational, administrative and technical steps to ensure safety and integrity of the Personal Data, prevent unauthorized access thereto and any disclosure thereof. Company employees having access to the Personal Data are made aware of this Confidentiality Policy as regards personal data protection.
The Personal Data collected by Company are stored by us and/or our affiliates, service providers in the databases protected with the help of the physical and electronic means of control, access control system technologies and other acceptable security arrangements. However such arrangements may not prevent getting access to, disclosure, modification or destruction of such data by way of hacking such security systems and software installed on a secure server. Company is not liable for any damage or loss caused by such incidents. If required, and in accordance with the laws, Company will notify the Users of any such loss, misuse or modification to the Personal Data in order to take the necessary steps to ensure proper protection of the Users’ rights.
4.2. Company stores the Personal Data for the term necessary to achieve the goals specified herein or for such period of time which is provided for by the laws or required to resolve any disputes.
5. Disclosure of Information or Exchange of Data with Third PartiesCompany shall transfer the Personal Data to any third parties for their own marketing or business purposes only subject to a prior consent of the User. However we are entitled to provide the Personal Data to the following persons:
5.1. Branches and AffiliatesCompany is entitled to transfer the Users’ Personal Data to the branches and affiliates of Company for the purpose of interaction in relation to the services requested by the User. Unless otherwise provided for in the Confidentiality Policy of the relevant companies, they may use the Personal Data for the purposes specified herein.
5.2. Service ProvidersCompany transfers the Personal Data to the relevant service providers to administer and maintain such administrative functions as fulfillment of the orders, delivery of the products, customer support, anti-fraud arrangements, IT-services, e-mail services, website administration and maintenance. Company takes steps to ensure that such non-affiliated persons will not use the Personal Data which may help to identify the User for any other purposes other than provision of the relevant administrative services.
5.3 Trade Agents, Dealers and other Partners of The CompanyCompany is entitled to transfer the Personal Data to certain trade agents, dealers and other partners providing services on behalf of Company in order to provide the User with the information on the products, services and offers as well as provide technical and customer support.
5.4. Third Parties to the Corporate TransactionsCompany is entitled to transfer the Users’ Personal Data to the other persons or organizations within the scope of transformation, merger, sale, establishing joint ventures, assignment, transfer of the rights or liquidation of the company, assets or shares (in whole or in part) (including, but not limited to, those connected with the bankruptcy and other similar proceedings).
5.5. Third Parties Provided for by the LawsCompany is entitled to transfer the Personal Data to the public, law enforcement and other agencies, in particular in order to comply with the requirements of the laws, avoid the security and fraud threats and ensure protection of the rights and property of Company and its affiliates.
6. Third Party WebsitesCompany is entitled to post links to the third parties’ websites on its own websites. This Confidentiality Policy does not govern any confidentiality issues, issues of the information use and other procedures of the third parties. Company is not liable for the content of such websites and safety and confidentiality of use of the Users’ Personal Data carried out via such websites. To know more about the way such third parties use the Personal Data, please, read the relevant Confidentiality Policy.
7. Cross-border Transfer of Personal DataCompany is entitled to transfer the Users’ Personal Data to its affiliates and branches (including service providers acting on their behalf) carrying out activities on the territories of the foreign states for the purposes specified herein, without prejudice to the requirements of the effective laws as regards safety and protection of the Personal Data.
The Personal Data may be transferred to the states which ensure a level of confidentiality (compliant with their laws) which differs from the level ensured by the country delivering such information. Company takes steps necessary to ensure confidentiality and safety of the Personal Data which may be used to identify personality. The cross-border transfer of the Personal Data to the territories of the foreign countries which do not ensure any proper protection thereof shall be performed subject to the User’s written consent thereto or for the purpose of performing a contract to which the User is a party as well as in other cases provided for by the Personal Data law of the Russian Federation.
By providing the Personal Data when accessing the websites the User gives its consent to the specified data being transferred by Company in accordance with this Confidentiality Policy.
8. Automatic Data Collection ToolsCompany uses the automatic data collection tool technologies (cookies, web beacons) to: improve the quality of service provided to the website Users; ensure a more customized website navigation and functions usage; optimize the promotional and marketing communication; for any other purposes consistent with this Confidentiality Policy. The Users of the Company’s websites who use the certain functionalities and services thereof give their consent to the use of the automatic data collection tools, such as cookies and web beacons, by Company.
8.1. Cookie filesA cookie file is a small text file which usually contains a unique identifier and is downloaded to the User’s device, i.e. to the browser system used on the User’s device when accessing the Company’s websites. The web browser stores such files on the User’s device. Session cookies are not saved to the User’s device when the browser session ends (this is typically closing the browser). Persistent cookies are usually stored on the device until they are removed or expire.
By choosing the relevant browser settings the User may elect not to use the cookies or to use only some certain cookies. If the User fails to take relevant steps to forbid usage of the cookies when accessing the Company’s websites, the User gives his/her consent to the use of the cookies for the purposes of collection and usage of the Personal Data specified herein. The User may configure the browser so that it will reject cookies or notify of usage of the cookie technologies. The browser settings may be used to revoke your consent to the usage of the cookies at any time as well as to remove the specified cookies. The deactivation of some cookies may cause unavailability of certain website services as well as inaccurate display of some website pages.
8.2. Web beaconsA web beacon is a transparent graphic image (usually not larger than 1 pixel x 1 pixel) which may be built into the content of the online resources, e-mail messages. The web beacon allows the server to read certain information from the User’s device: IP address of the device; date of viewing certain content or e-mail message; date and time of the web beacon viewing.
Company may use web beacons to collect information on the way you use the Company’s website, e-mail, to assess efficiency of the marketing communication for the purpose of providing content and advertisements which better suit the User’s preferences, subject to compliance herewith.
Web beacons are usually used together with the cookies. The User may refrain from using the web beacons by complete deactivation of the cookies. Depending on the e-mail software and web browser of the User’s device the User may deactivate the web beacons in the e-mail messages as well as cancel automatic download of the images. Consequently the web beacons will be blocked until the User downloads the image manually.
9. Your RightsThe User may request access to any of the Personal Data provided by him/her and may be provided with an opportunity to update, modify, anonymize his/her Personal Data. The User is also entitled to request any explanations as regards processing of his/her Personal Data. The User may also exercise any other rights provided for by the effective Personal Data law of the Russian Federation, in particular, revoke his/her consent to the Processing of the Personal Data provided earlier. To do that the User has to send a request to the following e-mail: info@gaudidecor.eu.
The User is entitled to elect not to receive any marketing messages by sending a letter to: If the User has any questions, comments or complaints concerning this Confidentiality Policy, the User may also contact us via the above mentioned e-mail: info@gaudidecor.eu.
10. LiabilityIf the Company’s management fails to fulfill its obligations, it shall be liable for the losses incurred by the User due to the misuse of the Personal Data as provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation.
The Company’s management will not be held liable for the loss or disclosure of the Confidential Information if such Confidential Information:
- had been publicly available before it was lost or disclosed;
- had been received from a third party before it was obtained by the Company’s management;
- was disclosed with the consent of the User.
11. Entry into Effect of and Modifications to the Confidentiality PolicyThis Confidentiality Policy shall become effective on January 01, 2017.
Company is entitled to modify and supplement this Confidentiality Policy, and a new revision thereof (containing the date of modification) will be posted on the website: www.koopkroonlijsten.nl. Any modifications and supplements hereto shall become effective when posted on the Company’s website. The User’s access to Company websites after any modifications and supplements shall mean his/her consent to the terms of the new revision of the Confidentiality Policy.
The effective revision of the Confidentiality Policy will be posted at: www.koopkroonlijsten.nl. This Confidentiality Policy shall only apply to www.koopkroonlijsten.nl. The website www.koopkroonlijsten.nl has no control over and shall not be liable for any third party’s websites accessed by the User via the links available at www.koopkroonlijsten.nl.
This Confidentiality Policy and any and all relations between the User and the Company’s management shall be governed by the effective laws of the Russian Federation.